Maybe you’ve been passed over for a promotion?
Had your hard work and contributions go unnoticed?
Or just realized that for your career to progress it is essential that you are visible?
The reality is that people need to know who you are for them to promote you or reward you. Or even just to say thank you!
Often we fall into the trap of thinking that our good work will speak for itself, and that we shouldn’t need to ‘play the game’ of self-promotion.
Great in theory. But work doesn’t work that way.
Managers, customers, suppliers and everyone else are busy. No sooner is one thing done and everyone moves on to the next priority or the new urgent issue that has emerged. They just don’t have (or make) the time to stop and think about the contributions that each individual (including you) have made.
Or you work in a team and it’s not really obvious who has contributed what. Or maybe you’re just a quiet achiever and others don’t realize how much you do and how well you do it.
This is not about making excuses for others, as sometimes you can be overlooked. Often though, it’s not a deliberate slight – as even the best intentioned managers (and the ordinary ones too!) are busy and can ‘miss’ the contributions that you make.
You can help them, and yourself, out by raising your visibility and letting the people who need to know – who you are and what you do.
Visibility keeps you ‘top-of-mind’ with time poor managers who must make decisions (like who to promote) in a hurry and often under pressure.
Raising your visibility also helps make you known to people in your company, industry or field. If they know about you – it gives them the option to consider you in their plans.
If they know who you are, what you do and what you are capable of, there’s a much higher chance that you will be on their radar when it comes to making a business decision. (For instance, someone in another company who is part of your network may never consider you for an opportunity if they don’t know you could be interested!)
So, how do you step out from behind your excellent work to build your profile and raise your visibility at work?
Here’s 5 easy-to-implement tips to raise your profile at work:
1. Let people know what you have achieved.
Have a positive one-liner ready to go that quickly sums up what you are working on and what you are contributing.
It’s even better if you can add some numbers that quantify what you are doing or how much it is worth. The amount of revenue you have brought in, the dollars you have saved, or a percentage improvement in whatever you are working on. It’s a very persuasive way of demonstrating your contribution.
There are numerous opportunities to use your one liner – in the elevator, standing in a line waiting for your coffee, or sitting around the table when people are waiting for a meeting to get started. Replace small talk with you talk. (And don’t forget to ask questions about what the other person is doing!)
2. Speak up at meetings
If you’ve been invited to a meeting you’re there for a reason. Developing a reputation for making positive contributions helps get you noticed. And builds your credibility.
Ask a question that demonstrates that you understand the issue at hand. Or speak up and contribute something you know that is pertinent to the discussion.
Don’t be shy!
3. Spread your wings
Step out of your day-to-day role by getting involved in a one-off project, an interdepartmental initiative or even volunteer to work on a sporting or charity activity that your organization supports.
You’ll make new contacts and it will allow more people to get to know you and your work.
4. Be on the lookout for opportunities to present
When you present you are center stage and it can do wonders for your profile.
Once you start looking for them there are all sorts of opportunities to present lurking around. They could be to volunteer to chair a meeting, present to other staff or customers, or to represent you company at an industry or trade event.
There is nothing quite like a knowledgeable, articulate presentation to raise your profile and credibility.
5. Contribute to company or industry publications
Chances are your company has a blog. Or an intranet. Contribute a story about something you and the team you work with have achieved (share the glory!).
Write about a topic within your area of expertise or even post insightful and/or supportive comments to other people’s blog posts.
It’s not about showing off…or claiming credit for things you haven’t done. Career visibility is just about letting people know you are there, your capabilities and what you are contributing to the business.
When you achieve and contribute…don’t hide…shine!
Career Tip To Go: Build your profile and raise your visibility at work!
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